Learning together, in community, helps you to feel more connected and alive

I offer transformational workshops and group coaching programs that take complex challenges, like cancer, and break them down into manageable parts. Then, we learn and experience how art therapy can be used for healing and personal growth. 

When you join a workshop or group coaching opportunity, you benefit from the presence, stories, and reflections of your fellow group members. Creating community is a powerful solution that builds the confidence and compassion you need to feel capable, centered, and fulfilled.

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Let’s Talk Art Therapy…Tips, Tools, Strategies & Resources

I’m a 2x bc survivor in my mid 40s and am already SO MOVED by your work just by scrolling your page for a few minutes. The emotional impact of breast cancer is NOT spoken about enough. I’ve been dreading October and was trying to think of a way to honor my journey in my OWN way- because the “walks” and events don’t feel aligned for me. And then I saw your bra painting event and got choked up. Yes, this speaks to me.

I had thought about doing traditional support groups or traditional therapy, but just never did it. Stephanie explained what she was doing and it sounded like something that would be great. I’m not the least bit artistic, in fact, very far from it. But she gets you comfortable with the materials you’re working with before you start to get your expressions out on paper. You get comfortable with just doing it.

When you harness the power of curiosity and creativity for healing and growth, your life experiences become the fuel for your inner beacon of light to shine. We thrive when we feel liberation coming from within, for it brings out our most beautiful selves. This may embolden you to live a life that reflects what matters most to you.

Join me on this path. Let’s walk together. My role is to help you learn how to spark your curiosity and experience the magic of art therapy. All you need is a desire to feel better and a few simple art supplies — no artistic skill necessary to benefit from these practices.

Let’s Talk Art Therapy… Tips, Tools, Strategies & Resources

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